Reports & Forecasting

ProfitView™ Business Reporting

Use our ProfitView™ reporting tool to present your monthly financials, rolling forecast or yearly plan. Bring all your reports into one place:

  • Orders, Sales & Backlog
  • Reports, by product, group, region or division
  • Materials, Cost of Sales & Inventories
  • Payables, Receivables
  • Detailed Overhead & Payroll drill downs
  • Operating Profit & Balance Sheet
  • Key ratios on each report
  • Custom Dashboard for your KPI's

Every report compares to plan and prior year. Includes visual schedules to consolidate businesses and translate foreign currencies with a complete audit trail.

Use a common reporting format across your organization, compare your businesses to corporate goals. Customizable to your business style.

Pull source data from your financial system, CRM or database.

Like to see a demo of ProfitView™ in action? Call now...

Contact Us



ERELATUS has been helping businesses prepare and understand their financials for over 20 years through professional insights and advice.
ERELATUS operates as part of AmpereData Inc.



844 Runningbrook Dr
Mississauga, ON   L4Y 2S1